Package net.sourceforge.mflow.api

Interface Summary
AccountManager A manager for Accounts.
ComponentManager A class for managing instances of MsgFlowComponent
Configurable Interface for classes with configuration dialogs
Configuration Contains a copy of the configuration data for MFlow.
Contact A class for representing an entity with which communication can occur Serves primarily as a repository for ContactMethods, associated with a name
ContactGroup A collection of Contacts, with an optional name
ContactManager Manager for the Contacts
ContactMethod Describes a method of reaching a Contact
ContactMethodManager A class for managing instances of ContactMethod
ContentHandler A JavaBean compliant wrapper for a DataHandler
Iconable Interface for objects that support an icon display
MFlowUI Interface to specify what funcionality a MFlowUI must provide
MFlowUIManager A class for managing instances of MFlowUI
Msg This class models a generic message.
MsgChangeEvent An event thrown when a Msg object changes
MsgChangeListener A listener interface for MsgChangeEvents
MsgFilter Interface to represent a component that acts as both a MsgSource and MsgReceiver
MsgFlowComponent Base interface for all MsgFlow components.
MsgFolder Interface for the storage of Msgs
MsgReceiver Interface to represent a component that can receive Msg's.
MsgSource Interface to represent an object that produces Msg's
PluginManager Manages MFlow plugins
ReceiveFolder Interface for incoming Msg folders
SendFolder Interface for outgoing Msg folders

Class Summary

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