Uses of Interface

Packages that use ContactMethod

Uses of ContactMethod in net.sourceforge.mflow.api

Methods in net.sourceforge.mflow.api that return ContactMethod
 ContactMethod[] Contact.getContactMethods()
          Accessor for all of the ContactMethods associated with this Contact
 ContactMethod Contact.getContactMethods(int index)
          Accessor for a single ContactMethod associated with this Contact
 ContactMethod ContactMethodManager.parse(java.lang.String s)
          Returns a ContactMethod from a string in the format protocol:identifier
 ContactMethod ContactMethodManager.getInstance(java.lang.String protocol, java.lang.String identifier)
          Gets an instance of a matching ContactMethod.
 ContactMethod[] MFlowUI.getSelectedContactMethods()
          Gets the currently selected ContactMethods
 ContactMethod[] Msg.getRecipients()
          Get all the recipient ContactMethods for the Msg.
 ContactMethod[] Msg.getReplyTo()
          Get the ContactMethods to which replies should be directed.

Methods in net.sourceforge.mflow.api with parameters of type ContactMethod
 void Contact.addContactMethod(ContactMethod cm)
          Adds a ContactMethod
 void Contact.removeContactMethod(ContactMethod cm)
          Removes a ContactMethod if it is a member of this Contact
 void Contact.setContactMethods(ContactMethod[] cms)
          Mutator for all of the ContactMethods associated with this Contact
 void Contact.setContactMethods(int index, ContactMethod cm)
          Mutator for a single ContactMethod associated with this Contact
 void Msg.addRecipient(ContactMethod cm)
          Add this recipient ContactMethod to the existing ones.
 void Msg.addRecipients(ContactMethod[] cms)
          Add these recipient ContactMethods to the existing ones.
 void Msg.addReplyTo(ContactMethod cm)
          Add this ContactMethod to be replied to
 void Msg.setRecipient(ContactMethod cm)
          Set the recipient ContactMethod.
 void Msg.setRecipients(ContactMethod[] cms)
          Set these recipient ContactMethods.
 void Msg.setReplyTo(ContactMethod cm)
          Set the address to which replies should be directed.
 void Msg.setReplyTo(ContactMethod[] cms)
          Set the addresses to which replies should be directed.

Uses of ContactMethod in net.sourceforge.mflow.impl

Methods in net.sourceforge.mflow.impl that return ContactMethod
 ContactMethod[] ContactImpl.getContactMethods()
          Accessor for all of the ContactMethods associated with this Contact
 ContactMethod ContactImpl.getContactMethods(int index)
          Accessor for a single ContactMethod associated with this Contact
 ContactMethod ContactMethodManagerImpl.parse(java.lang.String s)
 ContactMethod ContactMethodManagerImpl.getInstance(java.lang.String protocol, java.lang.String identifier)
 ContactMethod[] MsgImpl.getRecipients()
          Get all the recipient ContactMethods for the Msg.
 ContactMethod[] MsgImpl.getReplyTo()
          Get the ContactMethods to which replies should be directed.

Methods in net.sourceforge.mflow.impl with parameters of type ContactMethod
 void ContactImpl.addContactMethod(ContactMethod cm)
          Adds a ContactMethod
 void ContactImpl.removeContactMethod(ContactMethod cm)
          Removes a ContactMethod if it is a member of this Contact
 void ContactImpl.setContactMethods(ContactMethod[] cms)
          Mutator for all of the ContactMethods associated with this Contact
 void ContactImpl.setContactMethods(int index, ContactMethod cm)
          Mutator for a single ContactMethod associated with this Contact
 void MsgImpl.addRecipient(ContactMethod cm)
          Add this recipient ContactMethod to the existing ones.
 void MsgImpl.addRecipients(ContactMethod[] cms)
          Add these recipient ContactMethods to the existing ones.
 void MsgImpl.addReplyTo(ContactMethod cm)
          Add this ContactMethod to be replied to
 void MsgImpl.setRecipient(ContactMethod cm)
          Set the recipient ContactMethod.
 void MsgImpl.setRecipients(ContactMethod[] cms)
          Set these recipient ContactMethods.
 void MsgImpl.setReplyTo(ContactMethod cm)
          Set the address to which replies should be directed.
 void MsgImpl.setReplyTo(ContactMethod[] cms)
          Set the addresses to which replies should be directed.

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